Sunday, September 28, 2008

My house is a mess!

And not a glorious mess. It's time I started getting serious about living a better life.

I started this summer by hiring an organizer. We cleaned up my kitchen and my dining room. And then I stopped. I hadn't really planned to, but the time was never right. And now my kitchen is once again full, and the dining room, while not a disaster, remains a docking place for old computers.

One of the first things the organizer asked of me was to not buy anything new until we were finished. Well, that didn't happen. Not only did I buy a new computer (mainly because the old computer died), but I broke down this year and bought a wide-screen tv, just in time for the awesome season 4 premiere of Supernatural. Now not only do I have 3 tvs in my living room (more about that later), I have a gigantic wide-screen tv box. Circuit City said they'd keep it in case there was a problem with the tv and they had to take it back. I think it's time to call them and ask them to get it out of the house.

So, why this blog? To chart my progress, offer any tips I can, find out what works for me, and to (hopefully) keep me motivated.

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